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Baobab Trees

Grow Amazing Bonsai from the Baobab Tree! In nature, the Baobab is at risk of going extinct due to predation from animals like elephants. Baobab trees grow in Africa and are one of the world’s most unusual looking trees.

There are many legends revolving around the Baobab tree, among one of the most common being that the tree was cast down from heaven and grew upside down, as the canopy branches of the tree often look like roots.… Read More

Cycad Bonsai

For dull rooms facing north or east, several Bonsai species will be perfectly happy if kept in a position close to the window to expose them to sufficient light.

Installing purpose-built artificial lighting for your indoor Bonsai collection is another solution to overcome this problem and is not as costly or impractical as it might seem at first thought.… Read More

Bougainvillea Bonsai

Many modern homes allow for plenty of light from outside. Rooms facing the afternoon sun will admit a lot of heat through the windows and many Bonsai species will suffer in these conditions. They should be kept away from direct sun but still be exposed to enough light.

Do not keep Bonsai trees on the windowsill because a dramatic temperature change occurs during day and night time close to the glass, especially during winter.… Read More

Blue Atlas Cedar Bonsai

The major difference between an indoor and a traditional outdoor Bonsai is that the outdoor type is hardy and can withstand winter climates, while indoor Bonsai trees are tropical – subtropical and need warmth during winter, although some indoor species can be kept outside in summer if the weather permits.

Pruning and training techniques for both indoor and outdoor Bonsai are the same.… Read More

Bonsai Trees have the same pests and diseases to deal with as any other plant. We would like to give some advice in this regard in a series of posts. The first to be aware of is aphids.

These pests, also known as greenfly, are widespread and will attack nearly all plants.… Read More