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Home Security Tips

It’s often the simplest things that you should do to keep your home and your family safe. These are things that most people know they should do, but they think that nothing is going to happen.

Home Security

That is usually when things happen. Always keep your entry doors locked, even when you are at home. You should always remove the keys from your car and keep that locked as well.

Those living in safe areas think that they do not need to do these things, but the house that is unlocked is the one that gives someone looking to gain entry just what they need. They would rather walk through an open door than to break something to get in.

If you want to stay safe in your home, but you are not sure that you want to sign up for home security monitoring, there are some things that you can do on your own that may help you sleep better at night.

Feeling safe in your home is more important than just about anything else in your life, because without a safe place to live, nothing will seem right. There are some things that work well if you do some research.

Home Security

There are inexpensive items that will turn your home into that peaceful, safe place where you and your children can feel at home.

Other home security tips include keeping your windows locked. This may not be something you have to worry about during the day, but you should have them locked when you are sleeping or away from home.

Some windows do not offer easy access, but some of the windows in your home are open invitations to thieves. You can buy small alarms that go off if the windows are opened, which can also double as a way to keep track of your teens if they have gotten into the habit of slipping in or out after bedtime.

You can find the same type of alarms to go on doors and basement windows as well.

If you live in an area that you do not consider safe, you can get window bars for your first floor windows. These are not pretty in many cases, but it really depends on how badly you think you need them.

Do not forget the basement windows or garage windows. There are special safety windows and other items you can get for these areas.

Second floor windows generally don’t need these; however it does depend on access. Look to see if they are accessible from the outside, and if they are, take the same precautions.

Some people find that motion sensors in outdoor lighting help tremendously and do not leave them feeling so closed in. These will turn on and flood the area with light the moment motion is detected.

These are often very effective. Don’t forget simple things like lights. When you are away from home, timers can turn lights on and off in your home so it looks like you are there.

You can use these timers for other household items like your TV or sound system as well.


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